• ISME2



REseArch LABoratory on heterogeneous and autonomous marine systems

SEALab is a joint applied research laboratory on heterogeneous and autonomous marine systems. It was established in 2015 thanks to an agreement between the Naval Experimentation and Support Centre (CSSN) of the Italian Navy and the Interuniversity Research Center of Integrated Systems for Marine Environment (ISME).



The main goal of the laboratory is to jointly develop and manage research and experimentation activities of common interest in the field of heterogeneous and autonomous marine systems with dual-use purposes, as well as the relative modeling and simulation framework. This collaboration allows both Centres to have mutual access to experimental and logistic facilities, including the free usage of the reserved marine area for experimental trials in La Spezia (Italy) gulf.




Furthermore, this collaboration strongly favors a fast transfer of ISME research activities to engineering personnel of the Italian Navy on one side, and it provides valuable operational feedback to ISME during the developmental stages on the other.





ISME- Interuniversity Center of Integrated Systems for the Marine Environment

Administrative Headquarter Offices 
Via all'Opera Pia, 13
16145 Genova (Ge)
Phone (+39) 010 353-2983/353-2982
Fax (+39) 010 353-2948